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The price of plenty: how beef changed America

Exploitation and predatory pricing drove the transformation of the US beef industry – and created the model for modern agribusiness. The meatpacking mogul Jonathan Ogden Armour could not abide socialist agitators. It was 1906, and Upton Sinclair had just published The Jungle, an explosive novel revealing the grim underside of the […]

Appetite for Beyond Meat drives IPO price range higher

Vegan start-up valued at $1.5bn after issuing new shares at $25 each Beyond Meat, the California-based company that makes plant-based burgers, raised $240.6m from an initial public offering that was increased on the strong appetite of investors for its growth prospects. The company priced 9.6m shares at $25 a piece, […]

La startup della carne finta sbarca in Borsa

Beyond Meat, la startup californiana della finta carne, sostenuta da Bill Gates e Leonardo DiCaprio, si prepara a sbarcare in Borsa. Ha presentato la documentazione alla Sec, l’ente che corrisponde alla nostra Consob negli Stati Uniti. L’obiettivo dell’Ipo è raccogliere almeno 175 milioni di dollari (e fino a 184 milioni), per […]

Jacques Attali: «Notre modèle actuel d’alimentation ne peut pas durer»

Dans « Histoires de l’alimentation », son nouveau livre, Jacques Attali montre le rôle central qu’a joué la nourriture dans l’évolution du monde. Il appelle aussi à un changement profond de nos comportements alimentaires pour sauver notre planète. Vous écrivez en préambule de votre livre que « la nourriture est, depuis l’aube des temps, […]

Nous ne mangerons pas de cette fausse viande!

La production cellulaire des tissus animaux représente un risque sanitaire et écologique que dénonce le réseau de défense de l’élevage paysan qui appelle les candidats à s’engager sur la question.  Tribune. Les lobbys financiers et industriels ont choisi d’imposer à marche forcée la production et la commercialisation de faux produits animaux […]

Les industriels injectent-ils de l’eau dans la viande pour la faire gonfler ?

Plusieurs vidéos qui ont fait le tour du monde montrent une technique appelée «plumping», assez courante dans certains pays mais très encadrée en Europe. Votre question concerne cette vidéo, publiée le 30 mars sur Facebook par la page Anonymous France et partagée près de 10 000 fois depuis. On y voit une personne injecter un […]

Factory farms divide the European Parliament

Brussels – Members of the European Parliament’s agriculture committee voted today for the EU to continue subsidising Europe’s most environmentally destructive factory farms. The MEPs were voting on a European Commission plan to reform the EU’s common agricultural policy (CAP). The agriculture committee rejected proposals made by the environment committee to cut public […]

Pinco Pallino e la sua società “Bara Srl”

Il prestanome, gli infiniti cambi di appalto che fanno girare la “ruota dell’economia”, la “bara” dei diritti dei lavoratori, della leale competizione fra le imprese e dello Stato di diritto! Pinco Pallino è l’amministratore unico della “Bara” Srl, fino a qualche anno fa era un semplice socio lavoratore che ha […]

Swine fever outbreak may bury China’s small pig farmers

For farmers Zhang Shiping and Bai Fuqin in northeast China, there is little to celebrate this Lunar New Year. Since African swine fever struck a farm in nearby Shenyang city last August, the couple has racked up about 300,000 yuan ($44,712.72) in debt, 10 times what they make in a […]

Germany to Resume Pig Exports to China

Germany had been the largest supplier of fresh and frozen pork to China and was also the second largest supplier of offal, reports Duncan Wyatt, lead analyst at AHDB. However, two major German processors, Tönnies and Böseler Goldschmaus, had their licenses to export to China suspended in mid-February although they […]