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The Fake Meat Startups Disrupting The Global Meat Industry

Whether it’s health concerns associated with eating meat or the environmental impact of animal agriculture, more and more Americans are choosing to reduce meat consumption and seek out meat alternatives instead. In fact, a recent Nielsen Homescan survey found that 39% of Americans are actively trying to eat more plant-based foods. This shift in […]

Brussels Bulletin: Incoming European Commissioners talk food, farming and fishing

FoodNavigator’s latest rundown of the wheelings and dealings in Brussels come as an in-coming group of nominees set out their plans and priorities before the European Parliament ahead of joining the College of Commissioners. Some telling things were said about the direction of travel on future food, farming and fishing […]

Underwater nutrition: ‘An important source of protein for the future’

As populations grow, and limited natural resources diminish, could the oceans provide a key source of protein and nutrients to the food sector? FoodNavigator speaks to researchers at UIT, The Arctic University of Norway, to learn more. Source: Food Navigator  

Astronauts just printed meat in space for the first time — and it could change the way we grow food on Earth

Russian cosmonauts on the International Space Station just printed meat in space for the first time. On September 25, the Israeli food-tech startup Aleph Farms loaded a spacecraft with vials of cow cells. When the cells arrived at the space station, cosmonauts fed them into a 3D printer, which produced […]

Our food system accounts for a whopping 37% of greenhouse-gas emissions, a UN report found. But it could also offer a solution to the climate crisis.

The way we use land — for farming, mining, logging, and raising livestock — accounts for 23% of human-produced greenhouse gas emissions, a new report from the United Nations has found. The report calculated that the food industry (including the land and resources required to raise animals and grow crops, […]

Prosciuttopoli al Tg 3 Rai. Lo scandalo approda in tv. Decine gli imputati e le indagini vanno avanti

Per la prima volta in un telegiornale della Rai si parla di Prosciuttopoli. Il servizio, realizzato da Jari Pilati è andato in onda sabato 5 ottobre all’interno del Tg3 nazionale delle 19,00. La nota fa il punto sullo scandalo ed esordisce con una sentenza del tribunale di Torino del marzo 2019  […]

Alternative protein project receives funding from EU

The Smart Protein project has been awarded €8.2 million funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme to develop new alternative proteins, resulting in a total budget of €9.6 million. The project is set to launch in January 2020 and will run for four years. Smart Protein’s primary aim is […]

Export, Confagricoltura: operativo l’accordo Italia-Cina sulle carni suine congelate

E’ stato approvato il certificato sanitario per l’esportazione in CINA di carni suine congelate e sottoprodotti della macellazione di provenienza italiana ed è stata definita una prima lista di macelli italiani abilitati a esportare. Con questi atti delle autorità doganali cinesi (Gacc), afferma Confagricoltura in una nota, ”si dà concreta operatività al […]