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Global food system is broken, say world’s science academies

Radical overhaul in farming and consumption, with less meat eating, needed to avoid hunger and climate catastrophe. The global food system is broken, leaving billions of people either underfed or overweight and driving the planet towards climate catastrophe, according to 130 national academies of science and medicine across the world. […]

Take on food industry to beat malnutrition and obesity, says report

Take on food industry to beat malnutrition and obesity, says report Experts call for influence of ‘big food’ to be curbed to also tackle issue of climate change. The influence of “big food” must be curbed around the world if obesity, malnutrition and climate change are to be effectively tackled, […]

The law of the strongest

The last number of the magazine “Diritti & lavoro Flash” focuses on the new Safety Decree “Decreto sicurezza” (Legislative Decree 4 October 2018, n. 113 converted into law 1 December 2018, n. 132). Whitin the magazine, there is an important article, written by one of the members of our Advisory […]

Cities and Circular Economy for Food

The linear food system is ripe for disruption. For every dollar spent on food, society pays two dollars in health, environmental, and economic costs. With 80% of all food expected to be consumed in cities by 2050, businesses, public bodies, organisations, institutions, and the people located within them hold the […]

The curse of tail-docking: the painful truth about Italy’s pigs

Despite the fact that the painful practice of tail-docking is illegal under an EU directive, and banned under Italian law, a reportage conducted by the guardian shows that according to a recent EU audit across farms in Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna, the country’s two main pig breeding regions in Italy, 98% […]

Visegrád group, they need migrants

The article shows how the EU countries of the so-called “Visegrád group” (Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia) – which are among the EU Countries with the strictest migration policies – actually need migrants. These are Countries with a very low percentage of foreigners, with a strong tendency towards an […]