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Lavoro e tutele, abbiamo fatto un confronto e (per ora) M5S batte Pd due a zero

di Umberto Carabelli Direttore della Rivista Giuridica del Lavoro e della Previdenza Sociale. Mentre sotto i riflettori dell’informazione televisiva e giornalistica si consuma la vivisezione del Reddito di Cittadinanza (RdC) e di Quota 100 (Q100), nelle stanze della politica si sta lavorando a due importanti interventi in materia di lavoro che toccano altri temi […]


Modena, March 12, 2019 Fondazione Marco Biagi – Sala Truffaut L’insostenibile leggerezza del lavoro PROGRAMMA 14,00 Saluti e introduzione Tindara Addabbo   Fondazione Marco Biagi, CRID, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia 14,20 Il caporalato in Agricoltura: evidenze dal Report Caritas, Vite Sottocosto 2 Piera Campanella   Università di Urbino 14,45 L’intermediazione […]

University of Copenaghen hosted Meat–Up Ffire workshop

The team of the Meat-up Ffire Project held a two days meeting in Denmark at the University of Copenaghen.  Seminar presented the project and the preliminary output of the analysis of the pork value chain in Europe, with a special focus on the pork value chain in Denmark. The trade unions […]

FOOD Navigator, WEF embraces the fourth industrial revolution: ‘Food systems are ripe for technology disruption’

Big data, the Internet of Things, artificial learning and blockchain technologies are largely underused in food systems, but present a major opportunity in accelerating their transformation, according to a World Economic Forum report. (Continue) Source: FOODNavigator

FOOD Navigator – ‘We are fed up’: Protests call for climate smart food as ministers launch UN digital council

Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets of Berlin on Saturday (19 January) to put pressure on political leaders to promote climate smart agriculture, higher animal welfare standards and farming practices that promote biodiversity. (Continue) Source: FOODNavigator