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Feeding the Problem: the dangerous intensification of animal farming in Europe

Industrial production and excessive consumption of meat and dairy products have grave impacts on our climate, our environment and our health. An ever-increasing body of scientific evidence makes the need to reduce our production and consumption of animal products clearer and more urgent than ever. Europe’s consumption habits and production […]

MEPs slowly turn tide against factory farms

Environment committee votes for more funding for ecological farming, cuts for intensive animal farms Strasbourg/Brussels – The European Parliament’s environment committee has voted to increase environmental and animal welfare protections under the EU’s common agricultural policy (CAP), but the improvements are not yet sufficient to tackle the problem of factory farming, said […]

China pork prices sizzle as frozen reserves fail to cool market

Pork prices in China are climbing at a blistering pace despite government moves to cool markets in the world’s top consumer of the meat by selling chunks of its frozen reserves. Government data released on Wednesday showed Chinese pork prices hit record levels this week, driven up as farmers hold […]

Italia-Cina, firmati 3 accordi in materia di sanità

In occasione della visita in Italia del Presidente della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, Xi Jinping, il Ministro della Salute, Giulia Grillo, ha firmato sabato con le autorità del governo di Pechino tre accordi in materia sanitaria da lungo tempo oggetto in corso di approfonditi negoziati bilaterali nei settori alimentari, veterinario e, […]

La “deriva ungherese” del diritto del lavoro

Il governo gialloverde prepara la più grande deregolamentazione del diritto del lavoro dell’epoca repubblicana. E, soprattutto, lo fa in silenzio. Nel turbinio di notizie e polemiche che maggioranza e governo generano ogni giorno, è passata del tutto inosservata una decisione del Consiglio dei ministri del 28 febbraio scorso. Il governo, si […]

Gruppo ALMA, i signori degli appalti si riorganizzano

A Roma, presso gli uffici amministrativi del Gruppo Alma, attivo nel campo degli appalti e della somministrazione di manodopera, è stata illustrata alle organizzazioni sindacali una colossale operazione societaria che riguarda 2.555 lavoratori occupati in appalti di movimentazione merci, servizi call-center, lavorazioni metalmeccaniche e alimentari. Le società del Gruppo Alma coinvolte cederanno le proprie divisioni […]

Promoting proper working conditions in the European meat industry

On 20 September 2018, European trade unions met in Madrid to discuss a range of challenges in the meat sector in Europe. The event was organised by EFFAT’s Spanish member organisations at the Spanish Economic and Social Committee. While significant efforts have been made by EFFAT and its affiliates over […]

An important step closer to a fairer food chain for everyone

Members of the European Parliament strongly voted in favour of promoting a fair food supply chain, delivering on their promise to #CutTheUnfair. The signatories welcome this historic vote for banning unfair trading practices in the food value chain.  This action will improve the trading conditions for the 11 million farmers […]

Hasselt workshop

The team of the Meat-up Ffire Project held a meeting in Belgium at the University of Hasselt. Thursday, April 4th – Open workshop with local policy platform 9.00: Presentation of the Project Meat-Up Ffire – Piera Campanella (University of Urbino) 9.15: Presentation of a case study regarding chicken processing plants – […]

La viande de laboratoire peut-elle nourrir la planète?

Depuis les années 2000, une quinzaine de start-up se sont lancé le défi de produire de la viande de synthèse. Le but : pallier le manque de ressources et protéger l’environnement. Memphis Meats aux Etats-Unis, Mosa Meat aux Pays-Bas ou Aleph Farms en Israël… ces entreprises dépensent aujourd’hui des millions de […]