

Cutting meat consumption may cause ‘serious harm’, academics warn

There is a lack of robust evidence to confirm link between meat eating as part of a healthy diet and the development of Western diseases, according to a paper that contends there are a wide range of benefits delivered by meat that are not always easily obtained from plant materials. […]

No need to cut down red and processed meat for health reasons, controversial findings suggest

Most people can continue to eat red and processed meat as they do now. A major study led by researchers at McMaster and Dalhousie universities has found cutting back has little impact on health. A panel of international scientists systematically reviewed the evidence and have recommended that most adults should […]

#MeattheFacts: European Livestock Voice sets to balance the debate around livestock production

The livestock sector is today at the epicentre of public debates in Europe and beyond. These debates have become dominated by interest groups who only want to spread myths and radical views about livestock farming. Ever increasing on social media and in the press, these myths and opinions end up […]

Tönnies launches joint venture in China

The Tönnies Group continues to further their internationalisation strategy and is setting up the first production location outside of Europe. Together with the Dekon Group, a subsidiary of the West Hope Group, Tönnies is now signing a memorandum of understanding for a slaughter and butchering centre in the Sichuan region, […]

Danish Crown adopts responsible soy policy

Pork producer Danish Crown has taken what it calls a “significant step” to improve sustainability with the adoption of a responsible soy policy. Agreed upon by the board of directors, the policy ensures the purchase of sustainable soy by 2020 and promote sustainable development of soy production and participation in […]

Danish Crown unveils new brand identity in sustainability push

Danish Crown has created a new brand identity as it aims to highlight its move towards a more sustainable future. As part of its rebranding, the company has created a new logo and visual identity which was unveiled at its 75 sites and offices yesterday across 23 countries, along with […]

Contratti, intesa per estendere i codici CNEL-INPS al sistema ANPAL

Prosegue il lavoro di armonizzazione dei codici dei contratti collettivi di lavoro avviato nei mesi scorsi tra CNEL e INPS, che, oltre ad innalzare il livello di trasparenza degli archivi della contrattazione, rappresenta uno strumento efficace di contrasto alla diffusa pratica del dumping. ll progetto sarà esteso anche all’ANPAL e riguarderà […]

Should meat be banned to save the planet?

A barrister has called for new laws against practices that harm the environment – including eating meat. But some experts say criminalising carnivores could do more harm than good. That late-night kebab might be considered a guilty pleasure, but could it one day be seen as a crime against the […]

Pork Plants to Speed Slaughter Under USDA Rule Changes

Food-safety groups and unions say the new rules increase risks for workers, consumers The U.S. Department of Agriculture set new rules to shift more food-safety responsibilities from government inspectors to workers in pork plants, allowing meatpackers to speed up processing lines. The USDA’s biggest overhaul of hog-slaughtering rules in five […]