

Alternative protein project receives funding from EU

The Smart Protein project has been awarded €8.2 million funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme to develop new alternative proteins, resulting in a total budget of €9.6 million. The project is set to launch in January 2020 and will run for four years. Smart Protein’s primary aim is […]

Export, Confagricoltura: operativo l’accordo Italia-Cina sulle carni suine congelate

E’ stato approvato il certificato sanitario per l’esportazione in CINA di carni suine congelate e sottoprodotti della macellazione di provenienza italiana ed è stata definita una prima lista di macelli italiani abilitati a esportare. Con questi atti delle autorità doganali cinesi (Gacc), afferma Confagricoltura in una nota, ”si dà concreta operatività al […]

Danish pig producers receive the highest price for their pigs in 18 years

From today, Danish pig producers receive the highest price for their pigs in 18 years. The price of pork – or the pig listing, as it is called – is DKK 12.80 (1,70 euro) for a kilo of pork. It is the highest price since 2001. Pig prices have mainly […]


De relatie tussen vleesconsumptie en een gezond en duurzaam voedingspatroon is een prominent onderwerp in het maatschappelijke debat. Wageningen University & Research onderzoekt de invloed van vlees eten op gezondheid, duurzaamheid en klimaat. Ook verzamelen we cijfers over vleesconsumptie, kijken we naar consumentengedrag en –voorkeuren en doen we onderzoek naar […]