

Meat UpFfire, Urbino meeting 27th- 28th November

University of Urbino host the internal meeting of Meat Up Ffire project on November, 27th- 28th. MEETING AGENDA Urbino (27th- 28th November 2019) University of Urbino Carlo Bo Department of Law (DIGIUR) Via Matteotti, 1 Aula Magna Wednesday, November 27th – Internal meeting 12.00 Welcome address – University of Urbino […]

Workshop “Ambiente, lavoro, sicurezza nella catena del valore della carne” il 28 novembre a Urbino

Periodo di approfondimenti e incontri per il progetto Meat UpFfire che il 27 e 28 novembre torna in Italia e farà tappa a Urbino per l’internal meeting che si svolgerà nella giornata di mercoledì e che vivrà un interessante capitolo di approfondimento nel pomeriggio del giorno successivo. Giovedì 28 novembre, […]

Posting: the ETUC continues to fight for equal treatment and full respect of workers’ rights

The European Commission has published today its Implementation Report on the Enforcement Directive on posting of workers, as well as a practical guidance on the rules regulating posting. ‘’We would like to thank the European Commission for the consultation and the discussions with social partners before the publication of those […]

A call for EU human rights and environmental due diligence legislation

Statement signed by over 80 NGOs and trade unions A call for human rights and environmental due diligence legislation We the undersigned civil society organisations and trade unions, are calling for effective EU legislation that establishes a mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence framework for business, companies and financial […]

ETUC Position: WTO Reform to promote sustainable development, social justice and decent work

ETUC Position: WTO Reform to promote sustainable development, social justice and decent work Adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 20th September 2019 “The EU should prioritise multilateral solutions in the context of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in accordance with our demands for a progressive trade policy. The ETUC has […]

15 ETUC priorities for the new mandate of the EU institutions

The European Trade Union Confederation represents 45 million workers from 90 national trade unions in 38 European countries and 10 European sectoral trade union federations. It presents the following priorities for the new mandate of the EU institutions, particularly the new Commission’s Work Programme and strategic agenda for the next […]

Letter to the Commission regarding ‘one in, one out’ principle

Dear President-elect, I am writing to you to express our deep concern over the proposal for the new Commission to operate a ‘one in, one out’ to legislation. The ETUC is positive about the prospects for the EU to achieve social progress over the next five years, recognising that the […]