Our Team is composed by academics and researchers coming from 7 different european Universities and Research Centers and experts from Civil Society Organizations. They all together provide a differentiate and multidisciplinary point of view on the topic.
The project have four different group of people, in order to guarantee the quality of the output and the ability to intercept a wide range of phenomena. The Research Team is composed of people that belong to a Scientific Committee, a part of which is also in charge of the guidance of the project by way of a Steering Committee. Alongside the Research Team, an Advisory board composed of members of all the different universities monitors the quality of the reports and publications. The project can also benefit of the fruitful cooperation of three Associate Organizations, three european trade unions (EFFAT, FLAI CGIL, NNF).
University of Urbino - UNIURB
#1 Lead Partner (IT)
- Client
- Piera Campanella
Piera Campanella is Full Professor of Labour Law in the Department of Law (DiGiur) at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Italy). She is a member of the Italian Association for Labour Law and Social Security. She is author of two books about trade union and labour law as well […]- Client
- Fausta Guarriello
- Client
- Giovanni Orlandini
- Client
- Giulio Centamore
Giulio Centamore is Adjunct Professor at the School of Law of the University of Bologna, and post- doc researcher at the Department of Law of the University of Urbino. He is a member of the Italian Association of Labour and Social Security Law. He is author of many publications, mainly oncollective […]- Client
- Stefania Battistelli
Stefania Battistelli is a Phd student in labour law at the Department of Law at the University of Urbino. Doing a thesis on the impact on health and safety within the supply chain, her research focuses on social and criminal corporate responsibilities and other soft law as an instrument of occupational safety and […]- Client
- Eduardo Barberis
Eduardo Barberis, sociologist, is a tenure-track researcher at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, where he lectures on Urban Sociology and Immigration Policy. His research interests include the territorial dimension of welfare policy and migration processes. eduardo.barberis@uniurb.it https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=JED1BiIAAAAJ
Institute for Economic and Social Research - IRES ER
#2 Partner (IT)
- Client
- Davide Dazzi
Davide Dazzi is a Researcher of the Institute for Economic and Social Research, the union related research Institute of Cgil Emilia-Romagna. His research activities are mainly focused on industrial relations and worker participation, working conditions and occupational welfare, labour market and vocational training with specific interest in the comparison between […]- Daniela Freddi works as economic researcher at Ires Emilia-Romagna. She hols a PhD in Industrial Economics (University of Ferrara) and a MSc in Industry and Innovation (University of Sussex). She works on issues related to local economic development, technological innovation and evolution of industries with particular emphasis on aspects related […]
University of Erlangen - FAU
#3 Partner (DE)
- Client
- Rainer Trinczek
University of Copenhagen - FAOS
#4 Partner (DK)
- Client
- Steen E. Navrbjerg
Steen E. Navrbjerg is employed at FAOS (Employment Relations Research Centre) at department of Sociology and part of the research group Knowledge, Organisation and Politics. His current research includes: – Analysis of multinationals companies employment practices and value chains and their impact on national labor market models, including the international […]- Client
- Mikkel Mailand
Mikkel Mailand is associated professor and head of research at Employment Relations Research Centre (FAOS). His main research interests are collective bargaining rounds in the public sector; tripartite cooperation in employment policy and other policy areas; EU-level labour market regulation; non-standard employment.- Client
- Søren Kaj Andersen
Søren Kaj Andersen, ph.d., head for FAOS – Employment Relations Research Centre. Søren Kaj Andersens primary fields of research is collective bargaining rounds in the private sector; labour migration/foreign workers; labour market organisations. Current research includes – among other things – a project on inclusive growth through wage coordination.
University of Hasselt - UHASSELT
#5 Partner (BE)
- Client
- Marco Rocca
Marco Rocca is a researcher in labour law at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS, France), affiliated to the research unit DRES (UMR 7354 Droit, religion, entreprise et société) at Strasbourg University. He is also guest researcher at Hasselt University (Belgium). https://marcorocca.wordpress.com/ marco.rocca@uhasselt.be- Client
- Valeria Pulignano
Professor Valeria Pulignano (PhD in Sociology) works at the Centre for Sociological Research (CESO). She has vast experience as both research partner and project leader in a number of international projects funded by the European Commission, the European Social Fund, and more. https://soc.kuleuven.be/ceso/wo/erlm/team/valeria-pulignano- Client
- Petra Foubert
Professor Petra Foubert works at the Centre for Government and the Law (Hasselt University). She specialises in labour law and is the author of several reports for the European institutions, mainly in the field of equality and non-discrimination law. https://www.uhasselt.be/fiche?email=petra.foubert
Warsaw School of Economics - SGH
#6 Partner (PL)
- Client
- Lukasz Sienkiewicz
Doctor of economic sciences. Assistant professor at the Institute of Human Capital at the Warsaw School of Economics. His research interests include human capital management and labour market issues. He is an expert of the European Centre of Expertise in the field of labour law, employment and labour market policies […]- Client
- Marta Juchnowicz
- Client
- Hanna Kinowska
Doctor of economic sciences. Assistant professor at the Institute of Human Capital at the Warsaw School of Economics. She combines science with practice. Author of numerous publications in the field of HR management. She conducts master’s and post-graduate courses in HR management and motivation.- Client
- Izabela Buchowicz
Dr. Izabela Buchowicz is Assistant Professor of Economics in the Institute of Social Economy at the Warsaw School of Economics, Poland. Her research interests are in the field of education policy and equalization of young people chances. She participate in studies and research regarding the theory and practice of public […]
University of Lodz - UL
#7 Partner (PL)
- Client
- Izabela Florczak
Izabela Florczak since 2016 Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Security Law and Social Policy, University of Lodz and a legal advisor. Member of the Coordinating Committee of the Polish Scientific Network of Labor Law and Social Security. iflorczak@wpia.uni.lodz.pl- Client
- Mirosław Włodarczyk
- Client
- Marta Otto
Marta Otto is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Lodz, Poland. She holds a PhD degree from the European University Institute (Florence, Italy). Member of the Advisory Committee of Labour Law Research Network. Cofounder of Polish Labour Law and Social Security Research Network. https://www.wpia.uni.lodz.pl/en/about/staff/marta-otto.html […]