Our Team is composed by academics and researchers coming from 7 different european Universities and Research Centers and experts from Civil Society Organizations. They all together provide a differentiate and multidisciplinary point of view on the topic.

The project have four different group of people, in order to guarantee the quality of the output and the ability to intercept a wide range of phenomena. The Research Team is composed of people that belong to a Scientific Committee, a part of which is also in charge of the guidance of the project by way of a Steering Committee. Alongside the Research Team, an Advisory board composed of members of all the different universities monitors the quality of the reports and publications. The project can also benefit of the fruitful cooperation of three Associate Organizations, three european trade unions (EFFAT, FLAI CGIL, NNF).

University of Urbino - UNIURB

#1 Lead Partner (IT)

Institute for Economic and Social Research - IRES ER

#2 Partner (IT)

University of Erlangen - FAU

#3 Partner (DE)

University of Copenhagen - FAOS

#4 Partner (DK)

University of Hasselt - UHASSELT

#5 Partner (BE)

Warsaw School of Economics - SGH

#6 Partner (PL)

University of Lodz - UL

#7 Partner (PL)