The Meat-Up Ffire project aims at enhancing the contribution of the social dialogue to the fairness, freedom and social inclusion in an important sector of the EU economy, such as the meat industry, focusing on the pork sector.

In this field, an improvement of expertise and knowledge in this direction is essential, since lately the sector has been plagued by several and complex critical issues. Through best practices comparison, in-depth analysis of the phenomena and on field investigations we aim at boosting and supporting the transnational dialogue for common and innovative solutions in the field of industrial relations.

You can consult the page Goals and Work Plan to have a better idea on our methodology or browse through the Team page or the Partnership to discover our Scientific Committee & Research Team and the institutions taking part in this collective work.

You can also find a description of the European Pillar of Social Rights, to which this project contribute, being implemented with the financial support of the Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.

If you want, download the Project Application from our archive.

European Pillar for Social Rights

Manual workers working

Goals and Work Plan


Scientific Team


The Partnership


Organization Chart

goals and work plan